
Industrial Design Lawyers in Tanzania

For many companies, industrial designs represent an integral segment of their intellectual property portfolios. At Lexglobe IP Services, we assist design owners and parties seeking to make use of third-party designs with all aspects of protection, commercialization and enforcement. Whether you are seeking to register a design, cancel a third-party design registration or obtain design rights through a license or assignment – or if you need representation for a design-related dispute – our lawyers have the knowledge and experience to meet your needs.

Our Services for Protection and Commercialization of Industrial Designs

Design Registration Process

In intellectual property terms, a “design” is the appearance of a product not dictated by the product’s functional features. Design protection in Tanzania and Zanzibar is obtained through registration with either the UK Patent Office or the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO). With both offices, registration requires that the design be new and have “individual character.” In addition, each office has its own filing requirements, making it important for design owners to ensure appropriate and timely filings for their designs.

Either the original designer or an assignee of the designer’s rights can file for registration. At Lexglobe IP Services, we regularly represent design owners in applying for design registration with both the UK Patent Office and ARIPO.

Design Licenses & Assignments

For many registered design owners, licenses and assignments are the primary methods for extracting economic value from their designs. Unlike other types of intellectual property licenses, licenses for designs registered with ARIPO are subject to certain requirements. Ensuring that your license agreements contain the necessary terms is critical to protecting the revenue stream derived from third-parties’ commercialization of your designs. We represent all parties to transactions involving design licenses and assignments, and we can also record your license or assignment with ARIPO (as required by law).

Design Cancellation & Infringement

Finally, if a third-party is attempting to cancel your design registration, or if you need to seek cancellation of an improperly-registered design, we can represent you in all aspects of cancellation proceedings before the UK Patent Office or ARIPO. Cancellation proceedings present many challenges for all parties involved, and we have significant experience guiding clients through the process. If you are involved in a dispute regarding rights in a registered design, we can represent you in infringement proceedings as well.

Learn more about our services for design cancellations and infringement.

Lexglobe IP Services | Protecting Designs in Tanzania, Zanzibar and Other Countries Throughout Africa

Lexglobe is a Tanzanian intellectual property law firm with offices located in Dar es Salaam. Our attorneys have extensive experience in a wide variety of intellectual property matters, including protection, use and enforcement of rights in industrial designs. If you have questions about design protection in Tanzania or Zanzibar, or if you need representation for a transaction or dispute involving industrial design rights, we would be happy to assist you. Call 255 22 212 4127 or submit your information online to schedule a consultation with an intellectual property lawyer at Lexglobe IP Services today.

Contact Us

5th Floor, ABSA House, Ohio Street, P.O. Box 78934, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Phone: +255 22 2124127 - Mobile: +255 750 309344 - Fax: +255 22 2124128